Category Archives: Other

Random musings and shit like that.

Villainography: Happiness Is Boring

I don’t have sob stories like all of you. I could sit her and complain how our mom liked Zuko more than me. But I don’t really care. My own mother thought I was a monster . . . She was right of course, but it still hurt.
-Azula, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Episode 3.05: “The Beach”

After quite the hiatus, Villainography continues! Today we’re speaking with ASV Game Editor Brian Pham, who’s going to tell us what qualities he believes makes a good villain, and why he’s superior to me in every way, resulting in Dad loving him more.

Philip: WHAT UP BRO?

Brian: hi . . .


Brian: thisfeelslikeapoliceinterrogation

Philip: IT IS. *breathes heavily*

Brian: oh.

Philip: So, who is your favorite villain?

Brian: I choose . . . Azula! *slams table* From Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Philip: Not from Spongebob Squarepants?

Brian: No?

Philip: Oh. I was hoping we could do this entire interview with Spongebob quotes. I don’t think it’s possible though.


Philip: No! It’s not! In fact it’s just getting started. So, tell me about Azula.

Brian: She’s like the perfect villain, because of how ruthless she is. In the context of the show, she’s the first real threat. She can bend blue fire, and is the first to lightning-bend. She really raises the stakes.

Philip: So she’s basically the opposite of that loser Mako.

Brian: Yup. And her personality, her character, is a perfect foil to the main character Aang’s, because she controls her friends with fear, whereas Aang has friends because of his compassion.

Philip: M-hm, m-hm.

Brian: And she has the awesome villainous breakdown at the end, too.

Philip: Oh yeah, that was strong stuff.

Brian: Villainous Breakdown is a trope, by the way.

Philip: *exasperated sigh* Noted. Okay, so what would you say to a person who thought that Azula was just a washed-up goody two-shoes?

Brian: She’s not?

Philip: Fair enough. WHAT’S THAT?

Brian: Huh what?

Philip: Nothing, I got distracted. How would you defeat Azula?

Brian: Well, in the show, she was beaten by stripping away her friends and companions.

Philip: Uh-huh.

Brian: So I would befriend her friends and turn them against her. I’d defeat her with Friendship.

Philip: Astounding.

Brian: Right?

Philip: What would you say sets Azula apart from other villains?

Brian: Like I said, probably her ruthlessness. You don’t really know what she’s capable of doing. Kind of. Kind of you don’t know how far she’ll go. Or maybe, it’s that she’s willing to take that extra step that others wouldn’t. Like for example, in Season 1 of Avatar, the Big Bad was Admiral Zhao, and he was kind of a caricature. You never got the sense that he was going to do a huge amount of harm to the main characters. He was there as an antagonist, but he was just a playground bully.

Philip: Right, remember that this is a “kids” show on Nickelodeon.

Brian: Yeah. And then Azula comes a long and you can just kind of feel that this person means business, that she is a person to fear. She’s not typically a character you’d find in a “kids” show.

Philip: Do you think that a villain needs to be feared in order to be “classified” as a villain?

Brian: I don’t think it necessarily has to be fear. I think that’s how Azula did it. I think it’s anything that makes shit fall on the protagonist. And if you’re the cause of that, you’re a villain.

Philip: That’s hot.

Brian: Thanks.

Philip: Why are villains better than heroes!?

Brian: I see what you did there.

Philip: Heh.

Brian: Villains make a story?

Philip: Ooh, and heroes don’t?

Brian: Well. Well no, actually. There was a quote . . . something, something, happy people . . . happy people are happy in the same way, or something like that. It was Tolstoy or something ####### <—(He starts to mumble here and I’m not sure what he’s saying). Basically, happy people are boring.

Philip: I have one more question. Is “heroship” and “villainnessness” a matter of perspective? Because from Azula’s point of view, her dad, the Firelord was a hero, and the Avatar was the villain.

Brian: I’m not sure that was her thought process, though. I think she just delighted in being the bad guy.

Philip: What a gal.


A bright flash of light
Nature roars her dominance
Reclaiming her child

-Brian Pham, about Azula, from Avatar: The Last Airbender

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: “Azula” by lychi, on Deviantart.

BeCos Cosplay: u/tristamgreen

(Phone not included in cosplay.)

Recognize this villain? Think little clock hands on the glasses and a penchant for criminal revenge when people are late. It’s Temple Fugate a.k.a. Clock King from Batman: The Animated Series! (Not to be confused with the comic book Clock King William Tockman.)

“Time is of the essence.”

Even though tristamgreen’s suit is black instead of brown, I give him three cheers for the emulation. For some reason I remember this character rather clearly. Maybe the voice (by Alan Rachins)? (I hear voices when nostalgia kicks in. Anyone else?) Here’s the DC Wiki page about Fugate if your memory needs jogging. Oh, and those wicked glasses are right here on Amazon! Wish he had the guy’s clock-hand sword as well. I’d imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to make.

Mayor Hill’s about to be bisected by giant clock hands. At least, that’s how I understood it as a child.

I have good memories of Saturday morning cartoons with The Animated Series. Suffice it to say, you may be seeing more cosplays from this series when I find them.

DIY for the Nerd: Rocking 74-Z Speeder Bike

Australian DIY-er Tez_Gelmir was kind enough to share with the world a little project he did for his daughter: a child-sized speeder bike from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. 

Yes, I mean the ones that a handful of Storm Troopers crash into Endor(ian?) trees, dying in a blaze of Imperial glory. No, this model doesn’t really fly; it rocks. Yes, it boasts a few electronic lights and sounds. No, it doesn’t come with an Ewok. Yes, I wish it were adult-sized, too.

Picture of Rocking Speeder Bike

Continue reading DIY for the Nerd: Rocking 74-Z Speeder Bike

Regenerate Your HP at EXP

It’s that time of day again. I’m hungry, and this time, I want to be whisked off to Vancouver.

From its website alone, video game-themed EXP Restaurant & Bar promises a plethora of fun and flavorful foods to be had. “Level up and be awesome,” they challenge, and with excellent company, too.

309 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T3, Canada. Open 5pm to Midnight.

I’d like to say that I checked out their events first, but let’s be honest, ambiance is nothing if I’m struggling to swallow meaningless mush. (There’s a separate, angsty time and place for that, thank you.) Here, check out the menu with me. Continue reading Regenerate Your HP at EXP