All posts by Christine

is an RN-slash-superhero. She reads and watches more movies than is necessary. More recently, the films have gravitated toward the more juvenile, which is totally not her fault (so she says). The level of her son's hyperactivity is directly proportional to how many times they've watched "Octonauts." (Does she mind anymore? Probably not.) It helps that she's always been a nerd. Fantasy, sci-fi, action, adventure--fandoms have come and gone, but she loves them still. Thus, here she is (with WAY too much pop culture to catch up on). Sighs. All the time.

BeCos Cosplay: u/tristamgreen

(Phone not included in cosplay.)

Recognize this villain? Think little clock hands on the glasses and a penchant for criminal revenge when people are late. It’s Temple Fugate a.k.a. Clock King from Batman: The Animated Series! (Not to be confused with the comic book Clock King William Tockman.)

“Time is of the essence.”

Even though tristamgreen’s suit is black instead of brown, I give him three cheers for the emulation. For some reason I remember this character rather clearly. Maybe the voice (by Alan Rachins)? (I hear voices when nostalgia kicks in. Anyone else?) Here’s the DC Wiki page about Fugate if your memory needs jogging. Oh, and those wicked glasses are right here on Amazon! Wish he had the guy’s clock-hand sword as well. I’d imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to make.

Mayor Hill’s about to be bisected by giant clock hands. At least, that’s how I understood it as a child.

I have good memories of Saturday morning cartoons with The Animated Series. Suffice it to say, you may be seeing more cosplays from this series when I find them.

DIY for the Nerd: Rocking 74-Z Speeder Bike

Australian DIY-er Tez_Gelmir was kind enough to share with the world a little project he did for his daughter: a child-sized speeder bike from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. 

Yes, I mean the ones that a handful of Storm Troopers crash into Endor(ian?) trees, dying in a blaze of Imperial glory. No, this model doesn’t really fly; it rocks. Yes, it boasts a few electronic lights and sounds. No, it doesn’t come with an Ewok. Yes, I wish it were adult-sized, too.

Picture of Rocking Speeder Bike

Continue reading DIY for the Nerd: Rocking 74-Z Speeder Bike

Regenerate Your HP at EXP

It’s that time of day again. I’m hungry, and this time, I want to be whisked off to Vancouver.

From its website alone, video game-themed EXP Restaurant & Bar promises a plethora of fun and flavorful foods to be had. “Level up and be awesome,” they challenge, and with excellent company, too.

309 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T3, Canada. Open 5pm to Midnight.

I’d like to say that I checked out their events first, but let’s be honest, ambiance is nothing if I’m struggling to swallow meaningless mush. (There’s a separate, angsty time and place for that, thank you.) Here, check out the menu with me. Continue reading Regenerate Your HP at EXP

Merchandise Materials: Let’s Talk Swords


I imagined multiple ways of announcing my return to ASV after the summer hiatus, but found no excuse worthy of extrapolation. Perhaps you’d like to hear about how typing coherently is nigh impossible with a three-year-old yelping about dinosaurs in your ear, but I doubt it. Maybe you’d accept my apologies for writer’s block or for a slothful muse who hitchhiked to Buenos Aires instead of staying ever faithful by my side.

No? That’s all right. Because the truth is . . . well, you see, I . . . okay, so I made that promise about finishing Alphabet Cinema by April, right? Well, actually it was an Unbreakable Vow, so consequently I lost my magic and thus spent months in the desert seeking a shaman to grant me a deal with four foul demons in order to reinstate my powers. The fact that I’m back here now, submitting a horribly belated Tuesday Threads post can only lead you to one conclusion. Obviously.

So let’s talk swords.

Continue reading Merchandise Materials: Let’s Talk Swords